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Thursday, May 11, 2017



How not to answer "Today's Toughest Questions"

Conservatives PERSIST in letting Bleeding-Heart-LIBS change the meaning of simple words and concepts, and thus miss-direct the Debates. IF we Conservatives try to respond to these FALLACIOUS premises, we lose before we even open our mouths. Our first action as a Conservative is to conserve the language.

Do You need Examples???:
First Example: NEITHER Obama-Care NOR Trump-Care address improving or even maintaining our HEALTH CARE. The LIBS have changed the vernacular, and they have won. Both Bills are only about the MONEY involved; "who pays what, when, to whom, how much, and how often".
WAKE-UP! They both are only "INSURANCE COST Bills" not "HEALTH CARE Bills". So which "(fake) Health Care Bill is best? Neither! They are simply not about HEALTH CARE !!! 
This should be our first response to any question about this legislation: "These are INSURANCE Bills, not Health Care Bills. Now do you want to talk about INSURANCE or HEALTH CARE?"
Anyone should see that a REAL Heath Care Bill would be concerned with the number of Doctors and Nurses vs the number of Patients. It should also discus the expansion of acceptable (and proven) health care methodologies and providers, like MD's, Nurses, Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Nutritionists, Dentists, Chiropractors, Pharmacists, Herbal Medicines, and many others. New Laws or Government Research Grants for real Health Care should force (or at least entice) these entities to cooperate with each other in both research and patient treatment activities... instead of being at war with each other over the MONEY. Only then do they deserve our financial support.
{Where are the voices of the AMA, the ADA, the ALS, .. and the hundreds of other US Health Care organizations in these bills??? These are the entities who should be called on the carpet in the oval office to provide a plan for our future health. Very few Politicians (who are mostly Lawyers) can dress wounds, or prescribe the best pill, or recommend a diet change ... so why should they be expected to write a good first draft of a real "health care' bill?}

Another Example: Abortion. Here, the Libs ask us "When does LIFE Begin?" We think it is a valid question, so we attempt to answer. However, there is NO scientific or medical answer to that question... whether you are speaking of a specific person's 'life' or of 'life' in general... No One Knows! So the only valid response to that query is: "No one Knows... what is your next Question?" If we even try to answer that question, or even consider it as being valid or even debatable, we automatically LOSE.
A related REAL question (with REAL answers which often send LIBs running) is "When does LIFE END?" "When does Death occur?" Now, there IS an established scientific and medical ANSWER to that question: Life Ends when the attending doctor or an M.E. "calls it", and then writes down the date and time. Then, following the "WHEN?" answer, there are more, related questions which can, and often must, be asked ("Where?", "Why?" and "WHO was involved with this Death?"). Much simpler questions to answer, isn't it? Aren't they?

Conservatives, you must THINK before you answer tough questions. And, don't even try to answer FALLACIOUS questions. Instead, take a little time, look for the converse to the FALLACIOUS question, then ask your opponent that REAL question.
The result is often Cryptic or sometimes even humorous; I find that watching a opponent divert their eyes and start to stutter can be quite entertaining.   xxx

Image result for images humorous health care  
Image result for images humorous health care