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Wednesday, December 13, 2017


What do I tell my Child?

The story of Saint Nicholas is inspiring and it is "real".

He was a real person, born in March 270 AD, died December 343 AD. He was a Bishop, who secretly gave gifts to others. His life, over the centuries, has inspired untold billions of people.

God used the diaspora, or the repeated scattering of the Hebrews / Israelites / Christians among the nations, to "salt" the earth with the Gospel story and the Scriptures. The "spirit" of Nicolas still "salts" the earth today, with Joy.

The details of Nicholas's story have been distorted by variations in language and cultures across the world. But, the spirit of his story survives, and helps people worldwide feel the joy that comes to all from the GIVING of ourselves to others.

This feeling of joy is more, much more, than the childhood joy of just receiving gifts on a holiday.

Even in science and education we are only taught partial truths at a young age... simply because the whole truth... about any subject... is too confusing for young, developing minds. Santa is such a partial truth. And, he is only a small part of the story.

If you want, and your child is mentally ready, you can first learn more yourself and then teach them more about the original Saint Nicholas. Or you might set that effort as a challenge for their own youthful research. Learn how different peoples of the earth have revered this one man with widely diverse names and traditions.

Let your child in on "the real Secret" of Santa Claus, something that most other children don't really know.

Then point out that Saint Nicholas was simply a good man, a very good man, but only a man. Nicholas gave gifts to others, just trying to repeat what he knew our Heavenly Father had done for us all.

Heavenly Father gave us the gift of His Son, so that ALL might have Joy.

Santa is as real as we wish to make him, because we can each be Santa... but only if we choose to be.

DJF 12/13/17

Friday, September 15, 2017

As soon as I finish my
formula for a FREE LUNCH,
I plan on Patenting it, and
becoming an instant Millionaire!”

                                                           djf   9/15/2017

Friday, August 4, 2017

(vs Human Behavior)

Being Humane is a uniquely Human attribute
that can only be applied by Humans, 
but is rarely applied to Humans.

                                          DJF    8/4/17

Friday, July 21, 2017

Facing Danger

In the face of danger,
Fight or Flight are the only option
To those without Faith

Dann J Flesher, Jan 26, 2014                             

Facing Fear

Fear knocked at the door,
Faith answered,
And no one was there.

                                         English Proverb


Thursday, July 20, 2017


Several months ago (Dec 2016) There was a flap on Forbes about Snopes  It was started by Kalev Leetaru in his article titled "The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers".  It was at the time that Snopes' husband-wife founders were concluding a very public divorce, and people were arguing over whether Snopes was still to be considered trustworthy as an "unbiased" source.

I had posted this comment "About Bias" shortly after the original article came out:

About BIAS (December 2016)

We are unBiased”; that is what all of the self proclaimed “Fact Checkers” say.  It is their bread and butter, a ruse to get ‘everyone’ to think as they do.  By my own definition they fit within a rule that I established about 30 years ago (see below).  My answer is to get the opinions of people with strong biases from each side of an issue before deciding for yourself.  Repeat that process frequently, recognizing and admitting your own bias.

If ANYONE tells you they are NOT biased, then they will LIE to you about ANYTHING.” (Dann J. Flesher) (an original Flesher-ism, circa 1985)

Today, eight months later,
 I received notice of yet another comment on the original story. Over this time there have been pro/con comments, portraying either the avid trust of Snopes by some, or the disgust with Snopes by others.  Does this "Fact Checker" have the ability to judge all matters of human endeavors by claiming to operate as an "UNBIASED" source?

So, with the continuing comments, I felt compelled to repeat my own position, which, I had vainly hoped would end the discussion.months ago.  My position is about all such sources of judgement, not just Snopes.  This position is rather harsh and perhaps abrasive to some, and I can find no flaw in it, but then, I do admit that I am Biased.

To clarify, I personally have several 'biases', especially on subjects like Religion and Politics.  Recently I noted that I have a Political Bias somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan.  However I also have a strong Religious Bias... which thankfully prevents me from acting out my Political Bias.

Dann Flesher (July 20,2017)

At the risk of being redundant I will repeat my comment on this article made months ago. Since I have never heard it said before, and no one seems prone to repeat it, I will retain (and renew) my copyright on it here: repeat it only with the copyright notice attached. Since all humans are biased, this rule also applies to almost (?) every “human run Fact Checker”:

When someone says they are NOT biased, they will lie to you about anything.” (c) DJF 2017


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Here is the same thought expressed in 'free verse' and two different ways.  I would appreciate your thoughts on which is clearer, which is more appealing to you, and any comments on either.


In Gethsemane and on the cross
He pretended He was me.

In my daily life and when taking the sacrament
He asks me to pretend I am Him.

Dann J. Flesher


In Gethsemane and
On the cross
He pretended 
That He was me.

In my daily life, or
When I pray to our Father, or
When I take the sacrament,
He asks me,
For that moment,
To pretend
That I am Him.

Dann J. Flesher


Thursday, May 11, 2017



How not to answer "Today's Toughest Questions"

Conservatives PERSIST in letting Bleeding-Heart-LIBS change the meaning of simple words and concepts, and thus miss-direct the Debates. IF we Conservatives try to respond to these FALLACIOUS premises, we lose before we even open our mouths. Our first action as a Conservative is to conserve the language.

Do You need Examples???:
First Example: NEITHER Obama-Care NOR Trump-Care address improving or even maintaining our HEALTH CARE. The LIBS have changed the vernacular, and they have won. Both Bills are only about the MONEY involved; "who pays what, when, to whom, how much, and how often".
WAKE-UP! They both are only "INSURANCE COST Bills" not "HEALTH CARE Bills". So which "(fake) Health Care Bill is best? Neither! They are simply not about HEALTH CARE !!! 
This should be our first response to any question about this legislation: "These are INSURANCE Bills, not Health Care Bills. Now do you want to talk about INSURANCE or HEALTH CARE?"
Anyone should see that a REAL Heath Care Bill would be concerned with the number of Doctors and Nurses vs the number of Patients. It should also discus the expansion of acceptable (and proven) health care methodologies and providers, like MD's, Nurses, Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Nutritionists, Dentists, Chiropractors, Pharmacists, Herbal Medicines, and many others. New Laws or Government Research Grants for real Health Care should force (or at least entice) these entities to cooperate with each other in both research and patient treatment activities... instead of being at war with each other over the MONEY. Only then do they deserve our financial support.
{Where are the voices of the AMA, the ADA, the ALS, .. and the hundreds of other US Health Care organizations in these bills??? These are the entities who should be called on the carpet in the oval office to provide a plan for our future health. Very few Politicians (who are mostly Lawyers) can dress wounds, or prescribe the best pill, or recommend a diet change ... so why should they be expected to write a good first draft of a real "health care' bill?}

Another Example: Abortion. Here, the Libs ask us "When does LIFE Begin?" We think it is a valid question, so we attempt to answer. However, there is NO scientific or medical answer to that question... whether you are speaking of a specific person's 'life' or of 'life' in general... No One Knows! So the only valid response to that query is: "No one Knows... what is your next Question?" If we even try to answer that question, or even consider it as being valid or even debatable, we automatically LOSE.
A related REAL question (with REAL answers which often send LIBs running) is "When does LIFE END?" "When does Death occur?" Now, there IS an established scientific and medical ANSWER to that question: Life Ends when the attending doctor or an M.E. "calls it", and then writes down the date and time. Then, following the "WHEN?" answer, there are more, related questions which can, and often must, be asked ("Where?", "Why?" and "WHO was involved with this Death?"). Much simpler questions to answer, isn't it? Aren't they?

Conservatives, you must THINK before you answer tough questions. And, don't even try to answer FALLACIOUS questions. Instead, take a little time, look for the converse to the FALLACIOUS question, then ask your opponent that REAL question.
The result is often Cryptic or sometimes even humorous; I find that watching a opponent divert their eyes and start to stutter can be quite entertaining.   xxx

Image result for images humorous health care  
Image result for images humorous health care

Friday, April 7, 2017


Here are a few related statements that should make you reconsider your day and rejoice in it. If being wrong has ever made you sad, then these similar concepts should help you avoid that problem in the future, perhaps even right now.

Think carefully about them and you might suddenly be able to think of another way of expressing this idea, that will brighten your day tomorrow. Please add your own statement to my comments. 

  • It is wonderful to discover that we are wrong. It is a major step, if not the only step, to learning and to our personal progress.
  • Being disillusioned is a step in the right direction, a temporary discomfort is replaced with a better, but not-yet-perfect, view of reality.
  • The book and concept of “Psycho Cybernetics” (Maxwell Maltz, 1960) correctly proposes that 'negative feedback is more positive than positive feedback'. Negative feed back allows us to change direction to choose a better, more certain, path to an important or complex goal. Positive feedback doesn't even confirm to us that our instruments are still working.
  • If your image of life today is the same as it was yesterday, there is a good chance that either:1) you are still asleep, or 2) that you have died and no one has yet been kind enough to inform you.  

I would love to add more to this list in the future.  If you would like personal credit for you concept please put your name in parentheses, (me), after your comment.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Hugh Nibley and Thoughts on how we Perceive Beauty and Perfection

About: Hugh Winder Nibley (1910 – 2005) graduated Summa Cum Laude at the university of California, Berkeley in 1938.  He became a professor at Brigham Young University in 1946, and published 19 books

The Concept

"We recognize what is lovely because we have seen it somewhere else, and as we walk through the world, we are constantly on the watch for it with a kind of nostalgia, so that when we see an object or a person that pleases us, it is like recognizing an old friend; it hits us in the solar plexus, and we need no measuring or lecturing to tell us that it is indeed quite perfect. It is something we have long been looking for, something we have seen in another world, memories of how things should be."
    “Goods of First and Second Intent,” Collected Works of Hugh Nibley 9:528

Plato and Socrates

I remember a story that Plato wrote about his teacher's, Socrates's, belief in a pre-existent life. While teaching his students Socrates called over a young slave boy, drew a crude triangle in the sand, and asked the slave boy what it was.  The slave boy answered, "It is a triangle." The teacher drew a second triangle making the lines much straighter, "And this?" he asked? "it is also a triangle?" the lad responded. Then Socrates took a straight edge, drew the best triangle he could, and asked again. The puzzled boy gave the same answer.

Then Socrates asked, "Which one of these three triangles is perfect?" The 
now frustrated boy said, cautiously, "The last you drew is the most perfect,... but actually, sir, none of them are perfect?"

Socrates, smiled, thanked the lad and dismissed him, then turned to his students.  "How can this slave boy, draw that conclusion? Unlike you, has had no teacher, no training, yet he understands that my triangles were not perfect. He has never seen a perfect triangle in his life on this earth. For him to understand perfection, he must have seen it, and he must have lived, somewhere else, before he came to earth."

Monday, March 13, 2017

From The Archives
Turkish philosopher and advocate Harun Yahya has been quoted saying,
I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place
when they can fly anywhere on the earth,

then I ask myself the same question.” 

Science VS Nature

Scientific Studies say that bumblebees can't fly,
But they can !
Scientific Studies also say most old people can't smell.
But they do !

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


A former neighbor of mine was an anarchist as well as horse-race fan.  He thought good neighbors should save money by sharing tools; and so, he often shared mine.

He complained to me one day that the executive leaders of big companies were being paid much to too much. I replied like this: "You like to go to races, don't you?.  At the track only the first three, fastest horses win, right?  But those three winners are the only reason that all the other horses are brought to the race.  And higher stakes bring in faster horses, right?"

Image result for horse race finish line images

He had to agree and I continued my analogy something like this.

Capitalism is similar to the horse race ... but in Capitalism most of the slower "horses" get paid too.  They are not paid as much as their leaders, but they are still paid, just for "running".

Besides that, in a free capitalistic society we have at least four (4) free-will options we can pursue.  If or when we think that our boss makes too much money we can either: 

1) Outrun the boss (or out perform them) and take their job.  If you are still of a mind set to lower your own executive wages your Board of directors will appreciate the gesture, and you will have less competition for your job.

2) Leave that company, start a competing business and be the "boss" (an "entrepreneur" - most complainers can't spell the word, much less become one 😐).  Then, if you are true to you own code, you can work very, very hard and pay yourself less than your former boss. That may lower your product costs and you can try to drive him out of business 😓, 

3) Learn how you company actually works in detail, especially learn the financial part, and determine what you would be willing to pay someone else, with just your current skills, to do your current job (putting your own discontent aside).  Depending on how that compares with similar jobs, that should 
either a) make you more content with your own salary, or b) it will give you the incentive to ask for a raise, or c) change companies. Either way you skills will be improved.

4) Just keep the job and whine about it being "unfair", like most of those people do who can't actually do any of the first three.

(Some, like my former neighbor, would take option 5, and desire to destroy Capitalism... and most of your above options with it.  But the horse track kept him out of any real political competition.)

Unlike the horses, Capitalism gives us real choices.

Just sayin'...

Monday, March 6, 2017


Consider the goals of these three widely diverse groups.

First: SETI Scientists – SETI and their followers in the scientific world, in media news rooms, in colleges, among teachers and kids down to pre-schoolers.
Second: Science Fiction buffs -- writers, readers, film and TV followers, “Con” attendees everywhere.
Third: Religions – all of Christianity, plus most religions with origins in the Middle Eastern breadbasket, plus most American Indians (Amerinds), and many others.

Space Exploration Image Gallery Telescopes come in all shapes and sizes, from a little plastic tube you buy at a toy store for $2, to the Hubble Space Telescope, which weighs several tons. See more space exploration pictures.Image resultImage result for temple images

     Question: What do these billions upon billions of Humans have in common?
     Answer: WE are all looking to the sky with the hope, prayers, and deep desire that we may soon see 'visitors from outer space'.

Whether it is God, or gods, or E.T. and his family, or aliens, or Captain Kirk, or, heaven forbid (pun intended) even Darth Vader,... if they do exist, we desperately need their help.

We have made a mess of so much of our planet and violently abused most of our siblings living on this planet. The Chaos continues, and seems to be getting worse.

We don't even know how to sanely govern our physical resources, much less tend to the more important mental and spiritual resources that have been placed for our safe keeping.

There are a few of us inept residents that even seek to govern all of us. They appear to be willing to destroy 99% of what is here, both people and resources, just to be able to screem out loud that they are “Kink of da Whole Verld.*” (*a 1970's punchline of a joke about Henry Kissinger). These aspiring Kinks only compound the chaos.

It seem obvious that real help cannot come from this planet.

Therefore we search the skies, with hope in our hearts.

The Search Must Go On !

             So Say I, So Say Us All !!! (... except for the aspiring Kinks.)

Image result for miracles supernatural power

Debunking the SUPERnatural

"I propose that there are no "supernatural" events, 
   but there are some really "super" natural events."

ⓒ DJ Flesher 2017.

Is there ANY minuscule possibility that we might be 'naturally' affected, every day, by the ~90% of the Universe that humans simply cannot see, hear, taste, touch, or smell (aka Dark Matter/Dark Energy) ??? 

Or is that missing ~90% just an old Scriptural AND a new Scientific TRUTH
     both of which we humans simply choose to ignore???

                  "The Truth is Out There".... And also In Here....

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


A few days ago I posted a long story about how I first learned about Dark Matter. In a nutshell it says that a single verse of scripture (Abraham 3:24) written about 2000 BC says that what we call "empty space" contains all the matter needed to create a planet, a solar system, and perhaps a universe, or even much more. Only recently has science "proven" that empty? space contains up to 10 times as much mass as we can actually see. No only is that true 'way out in outer space', but it is also in the 'space' right here at our fingertips. We still cant see it, even up close, but gravity forces say that it has to be there. So, it would seem that the 'latest discovery' of science is expressed in a single, and very old, verse of His scripture. To Him, the individual who inspired Abraham to write and Joseph Smith to translate that ultra important verse, it may just seem like a bit of trivia, a random thought He left for us to ponder.

To us, that bit of 'trivia' represents ten times everything we can presently see in our Universe... that is, 90% of that Universe is still hidden from our eyes and from our science, it is called Dark Matter because not only can't we see it, we don't know what it is. But, there is yet another 'trivial' verse found in Revelations 3:21. This verse also applies to us, and to all of our life's major, yet relatively tiny problems. Someday very soon, He says to us, if we can endure "...will I grant (you) to sit with me in my throne...". The one who seems to consider and encapsulate the Earth, or the Universe, or even 10 times the known Universe, in one trivial verse will soon let us sit on "His Throne". Wow! As I considered these two verses, I got the image of a young child slowly walking into their revered father's workshop office, where they know that he designs, grows and makes the garden, the fruit trees, the house, the beds, and the toys, all for the child to use and enjoy. Then the child climbs into the seat of father's office chair. And twirling around, with head back, and arms outspread, the child emits a loud "Whee.e.e.e.." of ecstasy and pure joy. And the father laughs, also from joy. Endurance to the end is certainly a pain in the neck... but with that image in our minds, I really believe we can make it.

Image result for child spins in chair images

Saturday, February 11, 2017

What Do I Know?

There is a popular Topic around today that seems to be relatively NEW (?).

It is called Dark Matter.

(A major component of this discussion is that there is also a “dark energy”, another substance that is invisible to current science. I will use the Term “Dark Matter” to include both the dark mass and the dark energy. Since all current 'measurements' are just estimates, this will help simplify the discussion.)

The existence of Dark Matter was confirmed by several obscure scientists in the1980's. I first read about this topic in 1978, in a book published in 1958 as a "theoretical study". But the concept was originally named as "dark matter" by a physicist in 1906. Even hundreds of years before that, there was a similar concept: an invisible substance which some thought supported the stars and planets. It was referred to as the "ether". Long, long before NASA, a few people proposed that we could attach a flock of swans to a cart and have them pull us to the moon on waves of, or clouds of, or through space which was filled with “ether”.

But the oldest reference of this concept that I have read is from about 2100 BC. It is in a translation of a text attributed to Abraham (yes, that Abraham). He references something that happened thousands, and arguably, millions (or perhaps billions) of years before Abraham actually wrote it down.

That reference, found in Abraham 3:24 reads like this

24 And there stood one among them that was like unto God, and he said unto those who were with him: We will go down, for there is space there, and we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth whereon these may dwell;....

The “these” refers to us, the human race.

Here I need to explain something: I live with a mild curse. When I read something, especially when I rather quickly scan the writing of others, any misspelled words or grammar errors seem to jump off the page at me. This happens for about 50% of the errors on the page. If it happened 100% of the time I could have a great career as an editor.

My Curse

Luckily, when I have been a member of writers groups, there has often been someone else in the group who had a more intense version of the curse than I have. Such writers are labeled openly, but fondly, by these groups, as Grammer Nazis. They see all of the errors in spelling and grammar, and eagerly point them out. They are leaned upon often to review and correct everyone else's writing, and they sometimes complain that have no time left for their own writing.

My curse isn't bad (or good) enough to earn the Grammar Nazi title. Also my own curse does not seem to work when I am reviewing my own work. My internal writing-editing-hypocrisy sadly forgives me for many of my own writing errors.

However, this curse kicked in the first time that I read the Abraham 3:24 verse (in 1964). This occurred years before I had heard of the Dark Matter concept. It/I said to me, "Hold on here. That sentence, that verse is grammatically incorrect. It has two subjects, and it is almost an oxymoron. What 'materials' is he talking about? Nothing is named, no source is mentioned for any materials, is it? "Space" and "materials" are diametrically opposite things. Where you have one of them, the other does not exist. What a terribly written sentence!" I said, to myself.

I did not purposely go back to read that verse very often. However, for 14 years it jumped of the page to annoy me every time I found myself looking at that particular page. "A sentence written that poorly does not belong in the scriptures,” the curse said. “Who translated this ridiculous verse, whether from ancient languages, into English? Why didn't someone fix it?!..... Oh, it was Joseph Smith, the prophet. He translated it! Huph ! OK, I guess I can tolerate one mistranslated sentence. I guess I wont tear it out of my book, just yet" This is really an annoying curse to have.


Then. in 1978 a friend of mine gave me a photo-copied book entitled "GeoMetroDynamics" (1958). It was a photo-copy of a privately owned hard bound original copy. And I was told that the original publications had been removed from all libraries, apparently by government agents (MIB?). The reports/papers were about measuring the geometry of space and using the correct super-math to calculate the various properties of space (I think). I had to skip over the math. These technical papers had been written by several young physicists who were students of Einstein, Fermi, Dirac, Lorentz, and other famous (nuclear) physicists.

However, the conclusion of each paper could be summarized into one central theme. The math-physics techniques they used indicated that it should be possible to "make" matter or "take" matter out of apparently empty space. This was what the science told them, this was what the math told them; even though, at that time, they had no experimental proof.

I ran to my scriptures, and turned immediately to "Abraham 3:24'. I did not have to spend time searching for the scripture verse. This "terribly written sentence" had emblazoned the Book, Chapter and Verse into my brain. I found it almost immediately. There it still was; someone "like unto God" had built this planet from the "materials" found in empty(?) "space".

An Epiphany

There was NOTHING wrong with the verse or sentence in the book of Abraham. However, my own (and almost every other human's) assumptions about space were wrong... space is NOT empty! We are just blind. We can only see a small fraction of what is there.

The concept of Dark Matter became TV News in the 1980s when space based telescopes became available. Images from far galaxies verified that gravitational lensing (the bending of star light as it moves through a galaxy cluster) was taking place. A similar effect takes place on a hot pavement in the summer: the hot air over the road is a different density than the air around it. It forms a “lens” and we can see things that are much farther away. And when we move the distant image appears to move. We call them mirages. But we can't see the air itself, the “lens” that is distorting the image..

Dark matter is found by looking for gravitational mirages, and gravitational lenses. Scientists have now determined that up to 90% of the mass in our universe is invisible and (almost) undetectable. But we know it is there, because we can see the distortion... but, like the hot lens of air on the hot pavement..... we cannot see the “lens” that is causing the distortion.

The Big Question

Question: So, what is out there? Answer: We don't know!

In 2016 astronomers discovered an invisible "galaxy" about the size, and the mass, of our own Milky Way. This new galaxy has virtually NO stars in it, and nothing else that we can "see". It can only be detected by its gravitational field and the way it bends the light from more distant stars: the light from stars and galaxies, much farther away, comes right through it, bent, but otherwise unimpaired

Even though this invisible galaxy(?) weighs 5-10 times the combined weight of all the stars in our Milky Way, we can see nothing in it. But that is kind of OK, because our Milky Way weighs the same; it is 5-10 times “heavier” than all the stars we can see. And while we can see our night time stars, we can't see any of that extra 'matter' around them either. And this extra matter is not just millions of miles away from us, it is also right here, right now... just in front of us... or even inside of us. (Hmm, no wonder my diets never work.)

We presently have only one way to detect this invisible matter, and only when we find a galaxy or galaxy clusters full of it and with enough mass that it can bend a light wave. Stars in a galaxy seem to be optional. So, we ask, how can we know what this invisible matter is? The answer, at least for now, is that we don't know, we can't know. We only know that it is there. We only know that it is also HERE, in our galaxy, in our solar system.

Image result for gravitational lensing dark matter
This artist concept shows how dark matter was found. The double objects image in the upper left are typical of what has now been seen by several astronomers. One object produces two images as it passes through a gravitational lens. The separation of the double image indicates that the lens is several times 'bigger' (has many times more mass) than the total mass of the stars within the lens. The difference is due to “dark matter.”

Joseph Smith also added another verse in another book that helps us to cope with this finding by astronomers. In Doctrine and Covenants 131 he clarified part of this mystery by saying:

7 There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, 
and can only be discerned by purer eyes;
8 We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is all matter.

Based on those insights, I would conclude that a portion of the hidden mass which the astronomers have found is related to the mass from our spirit bodies on this earth. Exactly what portion that adds, numerically, I hesitate to guess. But if you also add in the spirits that were cast down to the earth and other named but invisible entities in scriptures, the amount could be significant.

What Do we Know (for sure)?

Which leads me to an odd conclusion, one which, because of language limitations, you may find hard to read. If you do have trouble, re-read the following a few times and you should/may begin to understand it:

We cannot know what we know that we don't know.  Additionally, we cannot know what we don't know that we don't know.  And, it now appears that we only know a small fraction of what we DO know or what we previously thought that we Did know.

I love Science. But, I have a severe bias against those non-scientists that think today's scientists know virtually everything, or that they will know everything by tomorrow morning, or maybe the day after. These people expose themselves when they say things like; All Scientists believe that ______ (fill in the blank)”. To them this discovery of Dark Matter should be very embarrassing information. Almost overnight their available and admittedly only partial knowledge of the world/solar system/galaxy/universe has dropped by a factor of 90%... simply because “many” scientists now believe that we can only “see” 10% of everything (some are looking to develop other theories). That discovery provides virtually guaranteed employment for the real scientists of the world... for perhaps hundreds of years or much longer.

However, when I mention this to the faith filled advocates, they don't even seem to understand either my elation or my point of view, which, to me is very sad.

Most of these individuals express a 'blind faith' in current science (aka; human knowledge), especially “theoretical”(aka: an informed guess) science, while they also vehemently decry any 'faith', blind or not, from a religious person or about a religious concept. (For full disclosure, the concept of "Dark Matter" is still a theory, but there is growing evidence from top scientists that it is actually both there, and all around us.  And certain statements from the science of religion and scripture also indicates that it is.)

To me, a comparable moment in history may be when Columbus failed to experience the widely expected results of venturing out on the Atlantic: “You mean he didn't fall off the edge of the earth?.... You mean the earth isn't flat? ......Or is it flat and just much larger? .... It rains here, does it rain there?.... Then where does all that water go?...... Indians? what are Indians?....Are they Human?.... They cant be Human; they don't speak English, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese..... Rain keeps falling on us, and running down the streams to the ocean. So if it continues to do that, the ocean will rise and we will all drown.... And where does the rain come from in the first place? ….. We're confused.

It is very likely that a whole new perspective of the earth, the universe, and our place in them is coming soon, very soon. I can hardly wait. And, I believe that much of our guidance to understanding these changes will come from a source similar to the quotes above; instructions and how-to manuals that have been here for millennia, waiting for us to read them, and study them, and hopefully catch up.

----------© Dann Flesher 2/9/2017

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Consider these three widely diverse groups. First: SETI Scientists – and their followers in the scientific world, in media news rooms, in colleges, among teachers and kids down to pre-schoolers. Second: Science Fiction buffs -- writers, readers, film and TV followers, “Con” attendees everywhere. Third: Religions – all of Christianity, plus most religions with origins in the Middle Eastern breadbasket, plus most American Indians (Amerinds), and many others.

What do these billions upon billions of Humans have in common? WE are all looking to the sky with the hope, prayers, and deep desire that we may soon see 'visitors from 'outer space'.

Whether it is God, or gods, or E.T., or aliens, or Captain Kirk,... or heaven forbid (pun intended) even Darth Vader... if they exist, we desperately need their help. We have made a mess of so much of our planet and violently abused most of our siblings living on this planet. And the Chaos continues. We don't even know how to sanely govern the physical resources, much less the more important mental and spiritual resources that have been placed at our finger tips.

There are some few among us that want to govern us all. They appear to be willing to destroy 99% of us, both the people and the resources, just to be able to say they are “King of the Whole World.” They only compound the chaos. It seem obvious that real help cannot come from this planet. Therefore we search the skies, with hope in our hearts.

The Search Must Go On !

So Say I, So Say Us All !!! (... at least most of 'us all'.)

                                                                                                             (c) DJF 2-7-17

Monday, February 6, 2017

Seeking Peace

Slaves may be still,
But they are never at Peace.
Free Men can be at Peace,
But they dare not rest.
