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Wednesday, December 13, 2017


What do I tell my Child?

The story of Saint Nicholas is inspiring and it is "real".

He was a real person, born in March 270 AD, died December 343 AD. He was a Bishop, who secretly gave gifts to others. His life, over the centuries, has inspired untold billions of people.

God used the diaspora, or the repeated scattering of the Hebrews / Israelites / Christians among the nations, to "salt" the earth with the Gospel story and the Scriptures. The "spirit" of Nicolas still "salts" the earth today, with Joy.

The details of Nicholas's story have been distorted by variations in language and cultures across the world. But, the spirit of his story survives, and helps people worldwide feel the joy that comes to all from the GIVING of ourselves to others.

This feeling of joy is more, much more, than the childhood joy of just receiving gifts on a holiday.

Even in science and education we are only taught partial truths at a young age... simply because the whole truth... about any subject... is too confusing for young, developing minds. Santa is such a partial truth. And, he is only a small part of the story.

If you want, and your child is mentally ready, you can first learn more yourself and then teach them more about the original Saint Nicholas. Or you might set that effort as a challenge for their own youthful research. Learn how different peoples of the earth have revered this one man with widely diverse names and traditions.

Let your child in on "the real Secret" of Santa Claus, something that most other children don't really know.

Then point out that Saint Nicholas was simply a good man, a very good man, but only a man. Nicholas gave gifts to others, just trying to repeat what he knew our Heavenly Father had done for us all.

Heavenly Father gave us the gift of His Son, so that ALL might have Joy.

Santa is as real as we wish to make him, because we can each be Santa... but only if we choose to be.

DJF 12/13/17