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Monday, March 13, 2017

From The Archives
Turkish philosopher and advocate Harun Yahya has been quoted saying,
I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place
when they can fly anywhere on the earth,

then I ask myself the same question.” 

Science VS Nature

Scientific Studies say that bumblebees can't fly,
But they can !
Scientific Studies also say most old people can't smell.
But they do !

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


A former neighbor of mine was an anarchist as well as horse-race fan.  He thought good neighbors should save money by sharing tools; and so, he often shared mine.

He complained to me one day that the executive leaders of big companies were being paid much to too much. I replied like this: "You like to go to races, don't you?.  At the track only the first three, fastest horses win, right?  But those three winners are the only reason that all the other horses are brought to the race.  And higher stakes bring in faster horses, right?"

Image result for horse race finish line images

He had to agree and I continued my analogy something like this.

Capitalism is similar to the horse race ... but in Capitalism most of the slower "horses" get paid too.  They are not paid as much as their leaders, but they are still paid, just for "running".

Besides that, in a free capitalistic society we have at least four (4) free-will options we can pursue.  If or when we think that our boss makes too much money we can either: 

1) Outrun the boss (or out perform them) and take their job.  If you are still of a mind set to lower your own executive wages your Board of directors will appreciate the gesture, and you will have less competition for your job.

2) Leave that company, start a competing business and be the "boss" (an "entrepreneur" - most complainers can't spell the word, much less become one 😐).  Then, if you are true to you own code, you can work very, very hard and pay yourself less than your former boss. That may lower your product costs and you can try to drive him out of business 😓, 

3) Learn how you company actually works in detail, especially learn the financial part, and determine what you would be willing to pay someone else, with just your current skills, to do your current job (putting your own discontent aside).  Depending on how that compares with similar jobs, that should 
either a) make you more content with your own salary, or b) it will give you the incentive to ask for a raise, or c) change companies. Either way you skills will be improved.

4) Just keep the job and whine about it being "unfair", like most of those people do who can't actually do any of the first three.

(Some, like my former neighbor, would take option 5, and desire to destroy Capitalism... and most of your above options with it.  But the horse track kept him out of any real political competition.)

Unlike the horses, Capitalism gives us real choices.

Just sayin'...

Monday, March 6, 2017


Consider the goals of these three widely diverse groups.

First: SETI Scientists – SETI and their followers in the scientific world, in media news rooms, in colleges, among teachers and kids down to pre-schoolers.
Second: Science Fiction buffs -- writers, readers, film and TV followers, “Con” attendees everywhere.
Third: Religions – all of Christianity, plus most religions with origins in the Middle Eastern breadbasket, plus most American Indians (Amerinds), and many others.

Space Exploration Image Gallery Telescopes come in all shapes and sizes, from a little plastic tube you buy at a toy store for $2, to the Hubble Space Telescope, which weighs several tons. See more space exploration pictures.Image resultImage result for temple images

     Question: What do these billions upon billions of Humans have in common?
     Answer: WE are all looking to the sky with the hope, prayers, and deep desire that we may soon see 'visitors from outer space'.

Whether it is God, or gods, or E.T. and his family, or aliens, or Captain Kirk, or, heaven forbid (pun intended) even Darth Vader,... if they do exist, we desperately need their help.

We have made a mess of so much of our planet and violently abused most of our siblings living on this planet. The Chaos continues, and seems to be getting worse.

We don't even know how to sanely govern our physical resources, much less tend to the more important mental and spiritual resources that have been placed for our safe keeping.

There are a few of us inept residents that even seek to govern all of us. They appear to be willing to destroy 99% of what is here, both people and resources, just to be able to screem out loud that they are “Kink of da Whole Verld.*” (*a 1970's punchline of a joke about Henry Kissinger). These aspiring Kinks only compound the chaos.

It seem obvious that real help cannot come from this planet.

Therefore we search the skies, with hope in our hearts.

The Search Must Go On !

             So Say I, So Say Us All !!! (... except for the aspiring Kinks.)

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Debunking the SUPERnatural

"I propose that there are no "supernatural" events, 
   but there are some really "super" natural events."

ⓒ DJ Flesher 2017.

Is there ANY minuscule possibility that we might be 'naturally' affected, every day, by the ~90% of the Universe that humans simply cannot see, hear, taste, touch, or smell (aka Dark Matter/Dark Energy) ??? 

Or is that missing ~90% just an old Scriptural AND a new Scientific TRUTH
     both of which we humans simply choose to ignore???

                  "The Truth is Out There".... And also In Here....