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Friday, April 7, 2017


Here are a few related statements that should make you reconsider your day and rejoice in it. If being wrong has ever made you sad, then these similar concepts should help you avoid that problem in the future, perhaps even right now.

Think carefully about them and you might suddenly be able to think of another way of expressing this idea, that will brighten your day tomorrow. Please add your own statement to my comments. 

  • It is wonderful to discover that we are wrong. It is a major step, if not the only step, to learning and to our personal progress.
  • Being disillusioned is a step in the right direction, a temporary discomfort is replaced with a better, but not-yet-perfect, view of reality.
  • The book and concept of “Psycho Cybernetics” (Maxwell Maltz, 1960) correctly proposes that 'negative feedback is more positive than positive feedback'. Negative feed back allows us to change direction to choose a better, more certain, path to an important or complex goal. Positive feedback doesn't even confirm to us that our instruments are still working.
  • If your image of life today is the same as it was yesterday, there is a good chance that either:1) you are still asleep, or 2) that you have died and no one has yet been kind enough to inform you.  

I would love to add more to this list in the future.  If you would like personal credit for you concept please put your name in parentheses, (me), after your comment.

1 comment:

  1. Cool. I wrote about this a few years ago.

    In reading this blog, it's striking to me how, once you scrape away all the "fluff" on top, underneath you and I aren't as different as we seem. Our conclusions are vastly different, but once we start comparing our base values, there are a wealth of similarities.

    This discomfort you describe is called "cognitive dissonance," a topic I've studied fairly in-depth, and written about it as well. There's a whole field of psychology dedicated to studying how humans react to cognitive dissonance. The experiments are really fascinating. And observing myself after learning about this topic is equally fascinating.

    Question: You say "If your image of life today is the same as it was yesterday," but, from my outside perspective, you seem to have changed very little over the years. In what ways has your image of life changed?


Common sense isn't !!
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